Anti-Vax Posts Against Future COVID-19 Vaccine Steadily Increasing on Social Media, Researchers Warn

August 14, 2020

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Misinformation about a vaccine linked to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is "steadily rising" on social media, experts say.

The warning comes from a team of Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) researchers who unveiled a new academic paper this week—(S)pin the Flu Vaccine: Recipes for Concern—analyzing content about the flu vaccine on the photo-based site Pinterest.

Mainstream social networks have ramped up efforts to stop the spread of vaccine lies, but one researcher involved in the project says this may not be enough...

As reported, the analysis was spearheaded by Prof. Neil Johnson of George Washington University. It analyzed Facebook clusters with up to 100 million people and warned that legitimate vaccine information could be drowned out by fringe science.

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