George Washington U partners with NIST on a $29.9M-supported STEM program

August 22, 2023

Thanks to a new collaboration, George Washington University (GWU) pupils and faculty now have access to a federal program for STEM worker cultivation.

The DC-based private university and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently partnered to have GWU participate in NIST’s Professional Research Experience Program (PREP). The program, which began in 1991, partners with universities to provide lab experience and financial support to undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral candidates and faculty, as well as further develop the United States’ STEM workforce...

David Broniatowski, an associate professor in engineering management and systems engineering at GWU, serves as GWU-PREP’s principal investigator and program coordinator. He said that the program offers a potential pipeline throughout an individual’s academic and professional career.

“The PREP program, in principle, could follow [a] person all the way through from undergrad to masters to Ph.D., to being a full-time faculty member at a university,” said Broniatowski. “And that person can continue collaborating with NIST throughout that program, so it’s really set up to incentivize people to stay in the research ecosystem — and to enhance our national labs and our competitiveness.”

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