With the midterm elections looming in November, the GW Institute for Data, Democracy & Politics (IDDP) in conjunction with the George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs and the Election Coverage and Democracy Network held a forum, “Media for Democracy: Covering Elections Amidst Democratic Crisis,” to help journalists and policy makers, according to IDDP Director and SMPA Associate Professor Rebekah Tromble, “rethink what it means to responsibly report on politics, democratic processes.”
GW President Mark S. Wrighton welcomed the audience of GW students, faculty and journalists in the Jack Morton Auditorium Monday afternoon and thanked IDDP for “hosting a discussion of great importance.”
“The midterm elections next month are going to be very significant for the nation and arguably, considering the global challenges we are participating in solving, important for the world,” Wrighton said.