President Trump Shows ‘Aggressive Indifference’ to Russian Threat
James Clapper, former director of national intelligence, also called for social media regulation during a conference on disinformation and digital conflict at GW.
When radios started making their way into American living rooms, the government regulated content broadcasted over the airwaves. Those same rules applied when television ushered in a new era of programming. It’s now time for social media to meet similar standards, said James Clapper, former director of national intelligence.
The intelligence community concluded that Russia used social media during the 2016 presidential election to sow discord and inflame political tensions. It was the most aggressive assault on the United States political system to date, Mr. Clapper said at George Washington University on Monday.
“Given the impact that social media has, I just don’t see how we can continue to allow it to be unregulated,” Mr. Clapper said.