What Washington should be doing to tackle AI risks

September 14, 2023

The star-studded tech affair, featuring Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Sam Altman and others, is one of nine meetings that Senator Chuck Schumer is planning as a “crash course” for his colleagues to learn about AI. And it came during a week with multiple other AI hearings and bills proposed in Washington.

Some might call that progress: Washington finally seems to be taking AI regulation seriously. But I can’t help feeling some deja vu.


“Congress has been talking about [AI] harms forever,” said Anna Lenhart, a fellow at George Washington University’s Institute for Data Democracy and former House staffer who worked on tech policy for several years. “I’m happy to see Senator Schumer is interested in tech policy, but just because he is new to this topic does not mean his colleagues are and I think that's really important.”

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