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Reshares on social media amplify political news but do not detectably affect beliefs or opinions

Researchers studied the effects of exposure to reshared content on Facebook during the 2020 US election by assigning a random set of consenting, US-based users to feeds that did not contain any...

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Asian American Racial Threat and Support for Racially Discriminatory Policy

Across a series of experiments, Professor Thompson shows that racial threat from a stereotypically nonthreatening racial minority group, Asian Americans, has a direct impact on white Americans' views...

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Evaluating Twitter's COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation Removal Policy

Researchers concluded that Twitter's vaccine misinformation removal policies do not appear to have been associated with a detectable reduction in content from misinformative, compared to non-...

Assessing Brigada Digital de Salud Audience Reach and Engagement: A Digital Community Health Worker Model to Address COVID-19 Misinformation in Spanish on Social Media

U.S. Spanish-speaking populations experienced gaps in timely COVID-19 information during the pandemic and disproportionate misinformation exposure. Brigada Digital de Salud was established to address...

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The Long Shadow of the Civil War: The Recurrent Historical Centrality of Anti-Black Political Threat in Eroding Public Support for American Democracy

Racial threat from demographic change is a central component in driving democratic backsliding in the U.S. The researchers show that the threat which emerges in the minds of Americans is...

Federal AI Legislation

Federal AI Legislation

The following report is an analysis based on a list of “federal legislative proposals pertaining to generative AI.”

Research Square

Feasibility and Acceptability of Spanish-language Facebook Group on Latino Parents’ COVID-19 Vaccine Beliefs: Case study of the Brigada Digital de Salud

COVID-19 vaccine uptake among U.S. Latino adults has been slower than other groups, and younger Latino children continue to be underrepresented among vaccinated populations.

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The Data Abyss: How Lack of Data Access Leaves Research and Society in the Dark

This article articulates why the lack of social media platform data access for researchers is a huge problem, for research and society. We then review a number of ongoing initiatives and...

Research Square

Simple Data Visualization Techniques of Racial Demographic Change Sharply Increase Propensities Toward Violence

Data visualization has direct political implications. Across four experiments which slightly vary the visualization of data about projected racial demographic change in the United States, the...

Just Security

Written Testimony: President Trump’s Rhetoric Undermined Confidence in Elections Among His Supporters

This testimony reports the key findings from our research on the effect that former President Trump’s false claims of widespread voter and electoral fraud had on public faith in the election system.