Journal Articles & Working Papers

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Industry marketing of tobacco products on social media: case study of Philip Morris International’s IQOS

Newer tobacco products might be more likely to use social media as they grow in the global market. This study examined global social media marketing of HTPs.

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Building Trust in AI: A Landscape Analysis of Government AI Programs

As countries around the world expand their use of artificial intelligence (AI), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has developed the most comprehensive website on AI...

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Visual Misinformation on Facebook

In this study the researchers conducted the first large-scale study of image-based political misinformation on Facebook.

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A pilot randomized controlled trial of automated and counselor-delivered text messages for e-cigarette cessation

A growing body of evidence indicates that e-cigarettes deliver fewer harmful chemicals than traditional cigarettes and may support smoking cessation.

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Building trust in digital trade will require a rethink of trade policy-making

Trust is essential to democratic capitalist functioning because buyers and sellers don’t know each other. But the same is true for users and providers online.

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Which matters more, the means or the ends? Preferences for responsiveness in process and policy

Public dissatisfaction with democracy seems to have increased across the world.

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Graggle: A Graph-based Approach to Document Clustering

In this work, researchers have designed and implemented a new system they call Graggle, which builds a graph to model a corpus.

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Economic risk framing increases intention to vaccinate among Republican COVID-19 vaccine refusers

The COVID-19 pandemic remains a global threat to lives, livelihoods, and lifestyles.

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Beyond Digital "Echo Chambers": The Role of Viewpoint Diversity in Political Discussion

Modern political conversations are typically perceived to be unproductively affirming -- siloed in "echo chambers" of exclusively like-minded discussants.

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A Text-Based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Sexual and Gender Minority Groups: Protocol for a Feasibility Trial

Cigarette smoking among sexual and gender minority (SGM) groups in the United States is higher than heterosexual and cisgender individuals.